S-a nascut in 1975, in Gostivar, localitate din Macedonia, republică din fosta Iugoslavie si din mult framantatii nostri Balcani. Desi este o zona cu o puternica populatie albaneza, el face parte din destul de restransa minoritate turca din aceasta tara. Desi tanar a studiat mult, a scris mult si a participat la multe reuniuni internationale. Tocmai a terminat un program post-masterat (relatii internationale si europene) la Amsterdam School of International Relations. In 1999 a absolvit un curs de sisteme politice si economice al Universitatii Georgetown la Praga. In 1993 a inceput cursurile de relatii internationale ale Universitatii din Ankara (Turcia) pe care le-a terminat in 1997 cand a inceput un masterat de doi ani la aceasi univeristate. In perioada 1998-2000 este bursier al NATO iar in perioada 1998-1999 este Strategic Liasion Officer al CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF STRATEGIC STUDIES, Ottawa, Canada. A fost, de asemenea, Essay Partner la ORGANISATIONSFORUM WIRTCHAFTCONGRESS, Koln, Germania si, ca student, a fost analist al firmei HERKUL Co. din Ankara. A beneficiat de mai multe burse de studiu: SCHOOL OF HUMAN RIGHTS RESEARCH - Maastricht/Leuven, Belgia (1999), TRANSEUROPEENNES, KORBER-STIFTUNG, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (1997 - Neighbours and Future in South-eastern Europe Programme), MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY - Institut Stran Azii I Afriki, Moscova, Rusia (1996). In 1998 a fost selectat pentru un program de doua luni destinat viitorilor lideri de catre Institutul ce poarta numele celebrului manager Lee Iacocca de la Universitatea Lehigh din Bethlehem, SUA. Recent a participat la a ll-a Conferinta Internationala a Tinerilor Lideri de la Taipei (Taiwa) si a fost delegat la INTERNATIONAL YOUNG NATUREFRIENDS de la Schwerte si la Conferinta Europa 2020 de la Budapesta a FONTAINABLAU YOUTH FONDATION, Budapest. In 1999 a participat la seminarul Securitatea in nordul Europei organizat la Stockholm de Colegiul NATO de la Roma si Colegiul national de aparare al Suediei. Ca student, in 1994, a facut parte din comitetul de organizare, la Ankara, al unei conferinte internationale asupra Bosniei-Hertegovina. A publicat numeroase studii de politica internationala in diverse volume din intreaga lume si chiar pe site-ul pe care va aflati in prezent. Este primul membru strain al CAPRI. (,


Born in 1975, at Gostivar, in Macedonia. Education: Post-Masters Degree - International and European Relations, Amsterdam School of International Relations, Amsterdam (1999-2000), Graduate Course (Political and Economic Systems), Georgetown University, Washington D.C./Prague, Master of Arts (International Relations), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey (1997-1999), Bachelor of Arts (International Relations), Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey (1993-1997). Professional experience/employment: Research Fellowship - NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION, Brussels, Belgium (1998-2000), Strategic Liasion Officer CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF STRATEGIC STUDIES, Ottawa, Canada (1998-1999), Research Assistant, BILKENT UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, Ankara, Turkey (1997-1999), Coordinator, UNIVERSUM, Stockholm/Ankara, (1998-1999), Student Advisor, BILKENT UNIVERSITY, Ankara, Turkey, (1997-1999), Essay Partner, ORGANISATIONSFORUM WIRTCHAFTCONGRESS, Cologne, Germany (1998-1999), Analysis Administrator, HERKUL Co., Ankara, Turkey (1995-1998). Fellowships: SCHOOL OF HUMAN RIGHTS RESEARCH, Maastricht/Leuven, Belgium (1999), Neighbours and Future in South-eastern Europe Programme, TRANSEUROPEENNES, KORBER-STIFTUNG, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (1997), Institut Stran Azii I Afriki - MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY, Moscow, Russia, (1996). Interships: The American Institute on Political and Economic Systems THE FUND FOR AMERICAN STUDIES, Prague, the Czech Republic (1999), Global Village for Future Leaders of Business and Industry IACOCCA INSTITUTE, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (1998), (selected from applicants worldwide to attend an intensive two-month program designed to help future leaders of the world with their business skills), 6th German Business Congress - ORGANISATIONSFORUM WIRCHAFTCONGRESS, Cologne, Germany (1997). Related experience: Speaker, The 2nd International Conference of Young Leaders, EXECUTIVE YUAN, NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION, Taipei, (2000), Delegate, Networking and Information Exchange by Using New Its, INTERNATIONAL YOUNG NATUREFRIENDS, Schwerte, (2000), Delegate, Europe 2020 Conference, FONTAINABLAU YOUTH FONDATION, Budapest (2000), Delegate, PfP International Research Seminar: Security in the Northern European Region NATO/SWEDISH NATIONAL DEFENSE COLLEGE, Stockholm, (1999), Member of Organising Committee, INTERNATIONAL BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA CONFERENCE, Ankara, Turkey, ( 1994). Schoolarships/awards: DUTCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Amsterdam (1999-2000), EUROPEAN COMMISION, Brussels (1999), KORBER STIFTUNG, Hamburg (1997), NATIONAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION, Ankara (1993-1997), OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE, Skopje (1996). Publications: "International War Crimes Tribunal," BALKANS RESEARCHES REPORT, 1996, "The Disintegration of Yugoslavia," BALKANS RESEARCHES REPORT, 1996, "UN Peace-keeping Forces and Turkey," FACTS AND COMMENTS, 1996, "Potentials of Emerging Markets of the Future," POLITICAL RESEARCHES, 1997, "Veni Vidi Vici Russia," POLITICAL RESEARCHES, 1997, "We Will Not Wait Fifteen Years Again," FACTS AND COMMENTS, 1997, "INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DICTIONARY," 1997, "Partnership for Peace," PERCEPTIONS, Ankara, 1999, "Partnership for Peace: a Basis for Future Security Architecture in Europe," EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AS A WAY TO SECURITY AND PROSEPRITY, EDITED BY KOSCKA/DUBSKY, 1999, "The European Security and Defence Identity," FOREIGN POLICY, 2000, "Sustainable Development: The Threats and Opportunities Presented by an Information Society," PAPER, Reg. No. OD-003, 2000, and last but not the least "The Future Security Risks and Challenges: The Raison d’etre for NATO’s Existence" CAPRI web site, 2000. Professional membership: Budapest Forum - Balkans Research Group - Iacocca Institute - Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies - CEE International Studies Association. He is the first foreign member of our association, CAPRI. (,