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Basic Elements of the Statute
of the Centre for Political Analysis and 
International Relations

The "Centre for Political Analysis and International Relations" - CAPRI is a Non-Governmental, Not-for-profit Organization headed for scientific research. The Organization was registered in the virtue of the Romanian Law 21/1924, as a private juristic person of Romanian Private Law.

One of the set purpose of the Organization is to contribute to the development and assessement of the concept of civil society, of the State of Law, to improving the political culture and the free exchange of ideas, to sustain the research in the Economic, Political Science and International Relations domanis, to contribute to the promotion of young intelectuals and professionals of these domains of activity.

Acting in a strict political equidistance, the Orgnanization rejects any afilliation or influence of this kind, but does not impose on its members not to take part in any political activity of any kind under the reserve that by doing this they DO NOT represent the official position of CAPRI.

According the Statute and to the fulfillment of its set purposes, CAPRI set the following objectives:

  1. to help young professionals of the domains of Economy, Political Science and International Relations to improve themselves and make their thoughts and opinions heard
  2. to publish and make avalable to the press, other organizations (Governmental or not) reports, Economic, Political, or International Affairs Analysis
  3. to organize seminaries, simposiums, conferences, round-tables centered on topics of actuality from the internal/international arena
  4. to contribute to the promotion of the concepts of civil, democratic society, the State of Law and market economy, to the creation of a rela political culture
  5. to realize or participate in the realisation of research, analysis, case-studies, to grant scholarships, finance research programs, documentation stages.
  6. to realize opinion polls by request or by itself
  7. to publish reports, annual reports, information bulletins, collections of studies
The Organization is funded by private national and international donations, membership fees or contributions by private or justicial persons from Romania or abroad, or from its own product. The Council reserves the right to refuse any donation or contribution of any kind that is made with a purpose that contradicts the set purpose or the objectives of the Organization.

The General Assembly is the supreme deliberative fore of CAPRI and is made from all members of CAPRI. The members are responsible for acknowledging and respecting the provisions contained in the Statute of the Organization, and in the Romanian Law no. 21/1924.

The Council or Council of Administration is the executive body of the Organization. The Council is formed from five members under the command of a President and two Vice-Presidents, elected for a period of one year. The elected members of the Council for 1999-2000 are:  president- Marius Tita, vice-presidents- Victor Petrescu and Adrian Baicusi, members: Catalin Darasteanu si Lucian Luca.

The Auditing Commission is formed from three members elected for a mandate of one year. The Memebers of the Commission are:  Tudorel Andrei (president), Emilia Marza si Nicolae Lupu.  Membership in the Commission is incompatible with membership in any other command body of the Organization.