Student, Facultate Privata, Undergrad, PrivateStudent, Facultate de Stat, UndergradMasterand, MADoctorand, PhD Am terminat forma de invatamant declarata DA NU
Ca parte a procesului de aderare, este responsabilitatea solicitantului sa prezinte Consiliului de Administratie al CAPRI un Curriculum Vitae care sa sublinieze activitatea sa profesionala. De asemenea solicitantul trebuie sa plateasca taxa de inscriere hotarata de Consiliu.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a Resume outlining its professional activity as well as to pay the Admission Tax required by the Council of Administration.
Declar ca am luat cunostinta de Statutul Asociatiei si ca sunt de acord cu continutul acestuia. I hereby declare that all information contained herein in English Language is true and that I was informed of the Statute of this Non-Governmental Organization and that I agree to respect this Statute.