Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship
To provide an opportunity for college graduates to gain practical knowledge and experience by contributing to the efforts of nonprofit, public-interest organizations working on peace and security issues.
Government, International Relations, Conflict Resolution, Peace Studies
Prospective Fellows are expected to demonstrate excellent academic accomplishments and a strong interest in issues of peace and security.
Graduate study, a college major, course work, or substantial independent reading that reflects the substantive focus of the fellowship is also a plus. Prior experience with public-interest activism or advocacy is highly desirable. It is preferred, but not required, that such activities be focused on peace and security issues.
$1,500 per month and health insurance, plus travel expenses to Washington, D.C. Tenure of award is from 4 to 6 months. Note: deadline for spring apps Oct. 15th 2000!
Oct15, 2000
Paul Revsine, Program Director/ Scoville Peace Fellowship Program/ 110
Maryland Ave, N.E., Suite 201/ Washington, D.C. 20002/ Tel: 202 546 0795/
Email: scoville@clw.org WWW: http://www.scoville.org See list of participating organizations in 155 Caldwell
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships 2001-2002
FELLOWSHIPS: The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars announces the opening of its 2001-2002 fellowship competition. The Center annually awards approximately 21 academic year, residential fellowships to scholars and practitioners with outstanding project proposals in the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues/topics that intersect with questions of public policy. Fellows work from offices at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. where they interact with policymakers and with Wilson Center staff who are working on similar issues.
LENGTH OF APPOINTMENT: Fellows are generally in residence for the entire U.S. academic year (September through May), although a few fellowships are available for shorter periods of time, with a minimum of four months.
ELIGIBILITY: For academic applicants, eligibility is limited to the postdoctoral level and, normally, to applicants with publications beyond the Ph.D. dissertation. For other applicants, an equivalent level of professional achievement is expected. The Center welcomes applications from a broad range of scholars, including women and minorities.
CITIZENSHIP: Applications from any country are welcome. All applicants should have a good command of spoken English.
STIPEND: The Center tries to ensure that the stipend provided under the fellowship, together with other sources of support (e.g., grants or sabbatical allowances), approximate a Fellow's regular salary.
FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Woodrow Wilson Fellows are assigned a private office and provided with an IBM-compatible computer and a part-time research assistant for the duration of their fellowship. Professional librarians assist with access to the Library of Congress and other research facilities.
DEADLINE AND INFORMATION: The application deadline is October 1, 2000. For further information and applications, please contact us by e-mail (fellowships@wwic.si.edu);
telephone (202/691-4170),
FAX (202/691-4001),
or by writing to:
Scholar Selection and Services Office, Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004-3027.
Marty Sletzinger
Director, East European Studies
tel: (202) 691-4263
fax: (202) 691-4001
Fellowship website: http://www.wilsoncenter.org
PON Graduate Research Fellowships
September 2001-June 2002
PON Graduate Fellowships allow doctoral students who are writing their dissertations to be part of the PON community for one year. Successful candidates will receive a stipend of $15,000, desk space and related working facilities at PON, and library and other privileges at Harvard.
PON encourages students from diverse theoretical and research traditions to apply.
PON Graduate Fellows are an integral part of the vibrant intellectual life of one of the world's premier dispute resolution research programs. Fellows are expected to participate fully in an interdisciplinary research seminar, the PON Faculty Seminar, and other special events. The have the opportunity to be involved in an array of other opportunities at the PON consortium schools-Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Tufts University-and other institutions in the Boston area.
The deadline for application is January 1, 2001.
For more information see: http://www.pon.harvard.edu/research/fellowship.html